新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从选手到教练:北美第一《英雄联盟》中单比尔森的故事


From player to coach: the story of Dan Bilson in the first League of heroes in North America

2021-01-22 16:03:00来源: 触乐

索伦·别格,也就是“比尔森”(Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg),他24年的人生就像一场梦幻的缩影。年轻时从丹麦来到美国,通过不懈努力赢得机会,成为顶尖的《英雄联盟》职业选手,实现了名利双收。但如果仔细观察,会发现他在成长路上也经历过许多坎坷和挫折,并且始终在和一个熟悉的“对手”较量。 作为史上最成功的北美《英雄联盟》选手之一,比尔森在去年秋季退役。自2014年进入北美英雄联盟冠军联赛(LCS)以来,他吸引了一批忠实粉丝,为TSM战队(前身为Team SoloMid)赢得6座冠军奖杯,并曾4次当选北美赛区MVP。 “比尔森是有史以来最优秀的《英雄联盟》职业选手之一,司职中单,在比赛中扮演着相当

Sauron & amp; middle; bigger, that is & amp; quot; Bilson & amp; quot; (S & amp; Oslash; Ren & amp; quot; bjergsen & amp; quot; Bjerg), his 24 years of life is like a miniature of a dream. When he was young, he came to the United States from Denmark. Through unremitting efforts, he won the opportunity and became the top professional player of League of heroes, achieving both fame and wealth. But if you look carefully, you will find that he has experienced many frustrations and setbacks in his growth, and he is always competing with a familiar & amp; quot; opponent & amp; quot.

标签: 英雄联盟