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Microsoft reiterated that all first-party Xbox games will be launched on PC platform

2020-10-28 17:06:51来源: 游戏时光

  近年来,微软为提升 PC 玩家游戏体验真可谓是做出了不少努力,不论是在 Win10 系统中加入 Xbox 游戏工具栏,还是为玩家带来功能更加完善的 PC 游戏应用,如此积极的态度也收获了玩家们的普遍好评。近日,Xbox 主管菲尔 · 斯宾塞在接受外媒 GameReactor 采访时重申立场,表示微软的所有第一方游戏都将进入 PC 平台,并解释了微软不再着重关注“独占”的原因。  采访中斯宾塞表示,如果他们发行第一方游戏,该作将会登陆 PC 平台;若是发行在 PC 平台上的第一方游戏,那么该作将会同时登陆 Steam 与微软自家的游戏商店。  早年间,微软曾因为对 PC 平台的“冷落”遭受了不少玩家的诟病,斯宾塞在采访中也承认了之前工作的不足。斯宾塞说:  要是在五年前,我们讲‘微软致力于 PC 平台’,那肯

In recent years, Microsoft has made a lot of efforts to improve the game experience of PC players. Whether it is to add the Xbox game toolbar in win10 system, or to bring more perfect PC game applications to players, such a positive attitude has also won the general praise of players. Recently, Phil Spencer, director of Xbox, reiterated his position in an interview with foreign media gamereactor, saying that all Microsoft's first-party games will enter the PC platform, and explaining why Microsoft no longer focuses on "monopoly". In the interview, Spencer said that if they release the first party game, it will be launched on the PC platform; if it is launched on the PC platform, it will be launched on the game stores of steam and Microsoft at the same time. In the early years, Microsoft was criticized by many players for its "cold shoulder" to the PC platform, and Spencer also admitted the lack of previous work in the interview. Spencer said: if five years ago we said "Microsoft is committed to the PC platform," what would that mean

标签: 游戏 PC Xbox 微软