新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《英雄联盟》手游最新宣传片公布:峡谷激战


"League of heroes" mobile travel latest Promo announced: Canyon battle

2020-10-28 18:42:57来源: 游戏时光

  Riot Games 在今天公布了《英雄联盟》手游《英雄联盟:激战峡谷》的一则全新宣传片「You Really Got Me」。  片中大致所讲的是暴走萝莉金克斯使用时空传送机器将其他一众英雄们带往召唤师峡谷进行战斗的故事,其中出现了许多玩家们熟知的身影:疾风剑豪亚索、九尾妖狐阿狸、光辉女郎拉克丝以及迅捷斥候提莫等等。   目前游戏已于 10 月 27 日在日本、韩国及东南亚地区开启公测,国内上线时间暂时未定。

Riot games today announced a brand new promotional film "you really got me" for the League of heroes mobile game "League of Heroes: the valley of fierce battle". The movie tells the story of Rowling Lori kinks who uses the time-space transmission machine to take other heroes to the summoner Canyon to fight. There are many figures that players are familiar with: Yasuo, Nine Tailed Fox Ali, lacs, and Timo, etc. &At present, the game has been launched in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia on October 27, and the domestic launch time is yet to be determined.

标签: 手游 英雄联盟