新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《无主之地3》推出第二弹季票 11月10日上线

《无主之地3》推出第二弹季票 11月10日上线

"Ownerless land 3" launched its second season ticket, which went online on November 10

2020-10-16 14:20:12来源: 游戏时光

  2K 与 Gearbox 宣布,《无主之地3》将推出第二弹季票 - 收录“加强版”和“导演剪辑版”两款 DLC 内容。“加强版”将为四名主角新增一条额外技能树,并将包含新的独立游戏模式“射击寻宝大狂欢”。  “加强版”DLC 和季票 2 将在 11 月 10 日推出,而 DLC“导演剪辑版”预定将在明年春季推出。  官方还宣布从北京时间 10 月 21 日起将在官方 Twitch 频道举办直播活动演示新游戏内容并公布更多资讯,具体时间为:10 月 21 日凌晨 0:00 - 直播公布阿玛拉/FL4K 的全新技能树10 月 23 日凌晨 0:00 - 直播公布莫泽/赞恩的全新技能树10 月 30 日凌晨 0:00 - 介绍全新的“射击寻宝大狂欢”模式10 月 31 日凌晨 0:00 - “无主之地播客”、“射

2k and gearbox announced that "ownerless land 3" will launch its second season ticket, which includes two DLC contents of "enhanced version" and "director's editing version". "Enhanced version" will add an additional skill tree for the four protagonists, and will include a new independent game mode "shooting treasure hunt Carnival". "Enhanced" DLC and season ticket 2 will be launched on November 10, while DLC's "director editing" is scheduled to be launched next spring. The official also announced that from October 21, Beijing time, a live activity will be held on the official twitch channel to demonstrate the new game content and announce more information. The specific time is: 0:00 a.m. on October 21 - 0:00 a.m. on October 23 - 0:00 a.m. on October 30 - the new skill tree of Amara / fl4k will be announced live- This paper introduces the new mode of "shooting treasure hunting Carnival" at 0:00 a.m. on October 31 - "land of no owner podcast", "shooting"