新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《主公我要吃》:前所未见的贪食蛇玩法


"Lord I want to eat": never before seen snake gameplay

2015-05-15 21:35:11来源: 4399

一款名叫《主公我要吃》的手机网游又重新把“贪食蛇”这一经典佳作带回到大家的眼前。游戏以三国时期为故事背景,玩家扮演一位十分逗逼的主公,以“贪吃蛇”的战斗方式南征北战,招募一位位三国枭雄,最终实现一统天下!游戏故事爆笑不断,可以成为消磨工作、学习之余的娱乐上佳选择! 《主公我要吃》是以三...

a called "Lord I want to eat" mobile games once again to "snake", which is a classic masterpiece, back to the front of everyone's eyes. Game in the period of the Three Kingdoms story background, players play a very funny forced the tetrarch, "snake" way of fighting nanzhengbeizhan, recruited a bit three chieftains, and ultimately to achieve world domination! Game hilarious story constantly, can be spent working, learning more than entertainment is an excellent choice! The Lord I want to eat "is the three...