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母亲节刚过思乡之绪蓬发 微微大赢家火爆上线引关注

Is an annual mother's Day Mother's day just after the mood of nostalgia Peng hair slightly big winner popular on-line cited the second Sunday in may concern

2015-05-15 17:09:00来源: 多玩游戏

五月的第二个星期天,是一年一度的母亲节,在此期间不管是文艺青年还是2B青年都整个似多愁善感的诗人附体。“慈母手中线,游子身上衣”道出了千百年来母爱的伟大及无私,背井离乡的上班族对此也是感触颇深。 为了让母亲节来的更有意义,相信大多数网友都送了一份礼物给母亲,然而大家都知道对妈妈们而言...

during both young artists or 2B youth are all like the sentimental poet appendages. "Mother the hands of line, wandering onto clothing" out of the thousands of years of maternal love great and selfless, displaced workers this is feeling is quite deep. In order to let mother festival more meaningful, I believe the majority of users are sent a gift to the mother, but we all know that the mothers...