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全屏震动 无上神兵灵射手炫图合集

Full screen shake the supreme magic Ling Hyun map collection

2015-04-20 18:43:27来源: 新浪

穿刺箭、连环箭,雷霆箭矢....。.百步穿杨的魅力,你体验过了吗? 作为《无上神兵》中的三大职业之一,这唯一的妹纸“灵射手”凭借着手中独一无二的弓箭技术以及超高的颜值,在这个男女比例严重不平衡的世界中,可是赢得了无数玩家的青睐哟。当然,俗话说着口说无凭眼见为证,这有图的魅力就是不一样...

puncture, serial arrow arrow, the thunder arrow.... . with charm, you experienced? As one of the three major "occupation" of the supreme magic, the only sister paper "spirit with the one and only you" hand bow technique and high color value, the imbalance of sex ratio in the world, but has won numerous game player's favor. Of course, it is said to Words alone are no proof. seeing, this figure is not the same as the charm...