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Mobile Games back at the top turret turret "Lu" on 2015

2015-04-16 13:27:39来源: 4399

近日,数据统计卡牌游戏重登销售王座,并以《刀塔传奇》等优质的卡牌游戏仍保持较强的盈利能力。真实三线MOBA手游《刀塔撸啊撸》,自曝光后,便受到了极大关注。 但经过今年初始几月的市场优胜劣汰,卡牌游戏依旧圈存着众多用户,在优质卡牌的推动下,卡牌营收占比上涨,大幅超过角色扮演、动作类游戏,...

recently, data card game to re board the throne to sales, and "turret legend" and other high-quality card game still maintained strong profitability. Three line MOBA Mobile Games turret "Lu", since the exposure, it has been of great concern. But after the initial few months this year the market survival of the fittest, the card game is still with many users, in the promotion of quality cards, card revenues accounted for the rise, significantly more than the cosplay, action games,...

标签: 手游