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Observation post? "Pioneer" watch official announced that the latest map

2015-02-19 10:13:00来源: 电玩巴士

《守望先锋》官方近日公布最新地图,相比去年暴雪嘉年华上公布的国王街、阿努比斯神殿与花村的三张地图,这一张地图功能类似于观察哨,此类地图对于FPS玩家并不少见。 所以我们有理由相信在这次PAX East游戏展中,《守望先锋》的开发团队将会给广大期待这款游戏的暴雪玩家朋友们带来这款团队射...

watch "pioneer" officials recently announced the latest map, three maps compared to last year's BlizzCon released King Street, anubis temple and flowers, the map function is similar to the observation post, such a map is not uncommon for FPS game player. So we have reason to believe that in this PAX East game show, "pioneer" watch the development team will bring the team shot to the vast number of looking forward to this game of Blizzard game player friends...

标签: 守望先锋