新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《微软模拟飞行》世界地图更新将于9月7日上线


The world map update of Microsoft simulated flight will be launched on September 7

2021-08-25 03:01:39来源: 游戏时光

今日(8 月 25 日)凌晨举行的 Xbox 科隆发布会上,官方公布了《微软模拟飞行》的不少新情报。视频地址今年 9 月 7 日,游戏将迎来免费的第六个世界更新。玩家可以在游戏中体验德国、奥地利与瑞士三个国家的美景。载具方面,官方将推出经典的 Ju-52 运输机,该机型与世界更新同期上线。开发团队还与飞机制造商 Volocopter 合作,在游戏中加入新型电动直升机「VoloCity」。新机型将于今年 11 月上线。此外本作将推出「里诺航空竞速赛」模式,但具体上线时间未定。《微软模拟飞行》现已登陆 Xbox Series X丨S 与 PC 平台。本作与《壮志凌云》的联动 DLC 将于今年 11 月 19 日和电影同步推出,游戏预计在 2022 年支持中文。来源:Xbox

At the Xbox Cologne press conference held early this morning (August 25), many new information about Microsoft simulation flight was officially released. Video address on September 7 this year, the game will usher in a free sixth world update. Players can experience the beauty of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the game. In terms of vehicles, the official will launch the classic ju-52 transport aircraft, which will be launched at the same time as the world update. The development team also worked with aircraft manufacturer volocopter to add a new electric helicopter "volocity" to the game. The new model will go online in November this year. In addition, this work will launch the "Reno air race" mode, but the specific launch time is uncertain《 Microsoft Flight Simulator is now available

标签: 微软