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Daily morning news (October 14)

2021-10-14 07:28:01来源: 游戏时光

新闻简讯《幽灵行动 火线》的测试因粉丝们的强烈反对而延期,游戏的新预告片在 YouTube 上已有 1.8 万踩,评论中夹杂着对系列发展方向的失望和困惑。据《纽约时报》的报道,EA 与国际足联(FIFA)的纠纷是因为对方将冠名费用翻倍,想使用「FIFA」这个名字 EA 需要在未来 10 年支付 25 亿美元。拓展阅读《古见同学有交流障碍症》NCEDTV 动画《古见同学有交流障碍症》公开 Non-Credit 片尾曲动画。视频链接新海诚近况新海诚发了条推特报告近况,表示新作动画电影分镜已经进入修改阶段。《最游记RELOAD -ZEROIN-》主题曲情报公开TV 动画《最游记RELOAD -ZEROIN-》片头曲《カミモホトケモ》由 GRANRODEO 担当,片尾曲《流転》由仲村宗悟担当,本作将于 2022 年 1

The test of "ghost action FireWire" was postponed due to strong opposition from fans. The new trailer of the game has been stepped on 18000 on YouTube. The comments are mixed with disappointment and confusion about the development direction of the series. According to the New York Times, the dispute between EA and FIFA is because the other party doubled the naming fee. EA needs to pay $2.5 billion in the next 10 years to use the name "FIFA". Expand reading of ncedtv animation "Gu Jian students have communication disorder" and open non credit ending animation of "Gu Jian students have communication disorder". Video link recent situation of xinhaicheng xinhaicheng sent a twitter report on the recent situation, saying that the mirror of the new animated film has entered the revision stage. The theme song information disclosure of the latest travels reload - zeroin - TV animation the opening song of the latest travels reload - zeroin - was played by granrodeo, and the ending song Liuyu was played by Zongwu Nakamura. This work will be released in January 2022