新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这些游戏主题食物你想尝试吗?PlayStation新宣传片公布


Do you want to try these game themed foods? Playstation new promo announced

2021-10-13 16:31:09来源: 游戏时光

PlayStation 日本官方发布了一段特别宣传片,用“报菜名”的方式展示了以《地平线 西之绝境》《艾尔登法环》《审判之逝:湮灭的记忆》《破晓传说》等数款游戏为主题的食物,介绍了 23 款已经或即将推出的游戏新作。视频地址

Playstation officially released a special promotional film to show the food themed by several games such as the desperate situation in the west of the horizon, Eldon law ring, the death of judgment: annihilated memory and Breaking Dawn legend, and introduced 23 new games that have been or will be launched. Video address

标签: 游戏