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《地下城与勇士 对决》「暗刃」角色预告公布

"Dungeons vs. warriors" character preview of "Dark Blade" announced

2021-12-13 10:45:27来源: 游戏时光

经典网络游戏《地下城与勇士》开发商 Neople 此前宣布和 Arc System Works 推出一款衍生格斗游戏《地下城与勇士 对决》(DNF Duel),官方现公布了本作第六弹角色“暗刃”(Hitman)预告视频。 视频地址《地下城与勇士 对决》将用虚幻 4 引擎进行开发,发售日和登陆平台尚未公布,从预告结尾可以看到未来还有 4 名角色等待公布中。本作即将于 12 月 18 日~20 日在 PS5/PS4 平台开启公测。

The developer of the classic online game "dungeons and Warriors", neople, previously announced that it and arc system works had launched a derivative fighting game "dungeons vs. warriors" (DNF duel). The official has now announced the preview video of the sixth bullet character "hitman".