新关注 > 信息聚合 > 分析机构:全球游戏市场规模将在2022年遭遇下滑


Analyst: the size of the global game market will decline in 2022

2022-07-06 10:51:59来源: 游戏时光

来自安培分析(Ampere Analysis)的一份新报告显示,全球游戏市场规模将会在 2022 年遭遇小幅下滑。报告图表指出,2021 年全球游戏市场销售额为 1910 亿美元,但 2022 年的市场销售额将降至 1880 亿美元。安培分析认为,此番下降存在多方面原因。对于家用主机和 PC,硬件供货问题依然存在。此外游戏推迟发售以及通货膨胀也会影响市场表现。不仅如此,疫情时代下网咖关闭冲击了亚洲的 PC 游戏市场,移动设备的隐私政策变化将影响人们的消费意愿,俄乌战争也对俄罗斯本地的游戏市场造成了打击。但对于 2023 年,安培分析的预测还是乐观的。该机构认为硬件短缺问题将在那时得到缓解,延迟上市的游戏也会陆续推出。安培分析调研主管 Piers Harding Rolls 宣称,整个游戏行业的前景依然乐观。根据

A new report from ampere analysis shows that the size of the global game market will suffer a slight decline in 2022. The chart of the report points out that the global game market sales in 2021 was $191billion, but the market sales in 2022 will drop to $188billion. Ampere analysis believes that there are many reasons for this decline. For home hosts and PCs, the problem of hardware supply still exists. In addition, the delayed release of games and inflation will also affect market performance. In addition, the closure of Internet cafes in the era of the epidemic has impacted the PC game market in Asia, and the privacy policy changes of mobile devices will affect people's willingness to consume. The Russian Ukrainian war has also hit the local game market in Russia. But for 2023, the prediction of ampere analysis is optimistic. The agency believes that the shortage of hardware will be alleviated at that time, and the delayed games will be launched one after another. Piers Harding rolls, director of ampere analysis and research, said that the prospects of the entire game industry remained optimistic. according to

标签: 游戏