新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新医保支付标准或将冲击现行药品招标采购


New health insurance payment standards or the impact of the current drug bidding and purchasing

2015-12-24 12:19:04来源: 丁香园

一份《关于基本医疗保险药品支付标准制定规则的指导意见(征求意见稿)》(2015 年 12 月 19 日版)正在坊间悄悄流传。与前几次的讨论和意见征求相比,变化不小,其中主要内容是: 一、原则上按照...

A report on "the basic medical insurance drugs payment standard formulation of rules of guidance (Draft)" (December 19, 2015 Edition) are anecdotal quietly spread. Compared with the previous discussions and comments, the change is not small, the main content is: first, in accordance with the principle of...