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vivo国际范霸气外露 首场海外粉丝会人气爆表

Vivo international fan domineering exposed first overseas fans will be popularity explosion table last week

2015-10-14 02:04:24来源: 南方网

上周,国内知名智能手机品牌vivo在印度举办了其首场海外粉丝会,距离其2014年首场印度发布会正式宣布进军印度市场,仅一年时间。而在短短一年时间内vivo能在国际品牌云集的海外市场积累起如此众多的粉丝,速度实在令人惊叹。 就在前不久,vivo刚刚在印度召开了第二场发布会,发布了专门为...

and domestic famous brands of smartphone vivo in India held its first overseas fans, distance the 2014 first India conference officially announced to enter the Indian market, only one year time. In just one year time vivo can accumulate in the international brand gathered in the overseas market so many fans, the speed is amazing. Not long ago, vivo has just held a second press conference in India, released exclusively for...