新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王思聪三亚庆27岁生日 称长"大痘痘"不愿晒照(图)

王思聪三亚庆27岁生日 称长"大痘痘"不愿晒照(图)

Wang Sicong Sanya celebrates 27 birthday called the long "big blain" unwilling to sun shine (map)

2015-01-03 17:11:08来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动(0) 中新网1月3日电 1月3日,王健林之子王思聪迎来27岁生日。下午1点他在微博发文,称“谢谢那些为我送上祝福的朋友们,也同祝那些和我同一天生日的人们~ 感谢特地来三亚给我过生日的哥们...

interactive participation (0) in new network on 3 January, January 3rd, the son of Wang Jianlin Wang Sicong in 27 years old birthday. 1 in the afternoon in his micro-blog issued a document, said "thank those who wish me a happy birthday ~ with friends, people also wish those and I share the same birthday thanks specially to Sanya for my birthday buddy...