新关注 > 信息聚合 > 猎人团每日任务 寻找异种植物种子攻略

猎人团每日任务 寻找异种植物种子攻略

Find the hunter group daily tasks in heterogeneous plant seed Raiders

2015-04-24 09:35:02来源: 多玩游戏

猎人每日有两个任务,打怪任务取消后不能再次接,只能接这个寻找异种植物种子的任务,按照任务提示我也在任务点等了很久,然后各种耐心、各种狂躁、各种无语、各种被杀...... 猎人每日有两个任务,打怪...

Hunter daily two tasks, playing strange mission after the cancellation can not pick up again can only access the task of looking for heterogeneous plant seeds, according to the task that I in the task for a long time, and all kinds of patience, a variety of manic, all speechless, was killed.. Hunter daily two tasks, Daguai...