新关注 > 信息聚合 > 农展馆新盘单价摸高19万元 最贵豪宅纪录被刷新

农展馆新盘单价摸高19万元 最贵豪宅纪录被刷新

NongZhanGuan new dish price reach 190000 yuan The most expensive home record is refreshed

2014-12-15 16:31:35来源: 千龙

原标题:农展馆新盘单价摸高19万元 最贵豪宅纪录年内三次被刷新 2014年的北京豪宅市场,没有最贵,只有更贵。13日,曾经的农展馆地王获批预售许可证,40套住宅拟售均价约为16.5万元/平方米,最贵的一套拟预售单价更达到19万元/平方米。这一数字,再度刷新两个月前刚由远洋璟湖园项目创...

The original title: NongZhanGuan new dish price reach 190000 yuan Three times the most expensive home record year be refreshed in 2014 Beijing home market, is not the most expensive, only more expensive. 13, once NongZhanGuan stakes to booking licence is approved, 40 homes sale to average price is 165000 yuan/square metre about, the most expensive price of a set of plans to open to booking more to reach 190000 yuan/square meters. That figure, refresh again just two months ago by the ocean jiing lake garden project gen...