新关注 > 信息聚合 > 舍瓦亲临大五联赛总决赛 上演另类“京沪大战”

舍瓦亲临大五联赛总决赛 上演另类“京沪大战”

Sheva to visit five League finals staged alternative before the "Shanghai World War II"

2015-06-19 23:04:33来源: 搜狐

日前,由中国大学生体育协会、中国足球协会联合主办,特步独家冠名,虎扑独家推广的 2014-2015赛季特步中国大学生五人足球联赛暨中国大学生足球啦啦队选拔赛已进入总决赛阶段,经过半决赛的残酷比拼,南北大区足球队冠军北京体育大学和上海工程技术大学战胜各自对手顺利会师,6月21日在上海、6月...

, jointly organized by the Federation of university sports of China, the Chinese Football Association, XTEP exclusive title, Tiger flutter exclusive promotion the 2014-2015 season XTEP China University Futsal League and China College Football cheerleading tryouts has entered the final stage, after the semi-final competition cruel, North and South District football champion team of Beijing Sport University and Shanghai University of engineering and technology to overcome their opponents smooth realignment, June 21 in Shanghai, June...