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Commentary: "the civil service job hopping" why read too much?

2015-03-29 17:06:55来源: 新浪

日前,智联招聘发布《2015春季人才流动分析报告》。其中让人惊讶的是,被认为抱着“铁饭碗”的公务员[微博]竟成为了跨界跳槽最活跃的白领人群。(3月29日《中国青年报》) 每年春节过后,就业市场上都会迎来一个“跳槽高峰”,各行各业、各个职位的工作者会根据自我价值实现需求、职业发展需求和...

recently, Zhaopin released "2015 spring" talent flow analysis report. The surprise is, is believed to hold "a secure job" civil servants [micro-blog] have become the most active cross-border job hopping white-collar crowd. (March 29th China "Youth Daily") after Spring Festival every year, the job market will usher in a "job hopping peak", all walks of life, each job workers according to the realization of self value, occupation development needs and demands...