新关注 > 信息聚合 > 麦当劳进驻扶绥中都·新世界 嘉年华活动精彩纷呈

麦当劳进驻扶绥中都·新世界 嘉年华活动精彩纷呈

McDonald's stationed in Fusui - New World Carnival wonderful scene

2015-08-10 05:45:51来源: 人民网广西视窗

图为麦当劳嘉年华主舞台,正在进行拼图比赛。广西新闻网记者 黄勇椋 摄 图为现场正在进行答题互动领取奖品活动。广西新闻网记者 黄勇椋 摄 图为小朋友在玩骰子转转乐互动游戏。广西新闻网记者 黄勇...

figure McDonald's Carnival stage for the main, ongoing puzzle game. Guangxi news network reporter Huang Yongliang photo map for the field is the answer to receive a prize activity. Guangxi news network reporter Huang Yongliang photo for the children playing dice games. Guangxi news network reporter Huang Yong...

标签: 嘉年华