新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哥斯拉被完爆!PS3独占《哥斯拉》最新设定图


Godzilla was kick! PS3 exclusive "Godzilla" new set of

2015-04-11 01:18:00来源: 逗游网

FAMI通杂志近日公开了PS3独占游戏《哥斯拉(Godzilla)》的最新情报,本次情报将公布大量的新型怪物设定图。这些怪物一个比一个拉风,简直就是怪物的世界。 别看前段时间上映的电影《哥斯拉》...

FAMI journal recently disclosed PS3 exclusive game "Godzilla" (Godzilla) of the latest information, this information will be published a large number of new monsters set map. These monster than a wind, was a monster in the world. Don't look at some time ago released movie "Godzilla"...

标签: PS