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援交门刘乔安称只卖酒 曝现场换裙照(图)

Liu Qiaoan says foreign door only sell the scene for skirt as exposure (Figure)

2014-12-14 07:17:08来源: 中国青年网

刘乔安否认卖淫 现场换裙照曝光 刘乔安称卖酒被陷害 现场照片 新浪娱乐讯 据台湾媒体报道,台湾女星刘乔安近日卷入“援交门”,被曝以10万台币接客。但随后她在网上发文称自己被陷害,是某周刊专门派记者假扮客人偷拍她。刘乔安不肯露面,选择在脸书po文跟朋友求救,希望给她相关新闻...

Liu Qiaoan denied the prostitution scene for skirt as exposure Liu Qiaoan said liquor was framed photographs of the scene the Sina entertainment news according to Taiwan media reports, Taiwan actress Liu Qiaoan recently involved in "foreign door", was traced to 100000 NT work. But then she posting online said that he had been framed, is a weekly special guest to send reporters posing as her candid camera. Liu Qiaoan refuses to appear, select for help in the face of the book Po language with a friend, I hope to give her news...