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「胆道之父」黄志强院士 一路走好!

"Father of biliary academician Huang Zhiqiang well all the way!"

2015-04-24 19:43:50来源: 丁香园

大大师之道,名师辞世。肝胆胰外科学一代宗师,301 医院黄志强院士因病医治无效,于今晨 9 点 22 分在北京逝世,享年93岁。 那本《黄志强胆道外科学》成为永恒的收藏。 黄志强院士总结自己从医...

big master, master passes away. Of hepatobiliary surgery of 301 Hospital of great master, Huang Zhiqiang illness is invalid, died in Beijing at nine twenty-two this morning, at the age of 93. The "Huang Zhiqiang" of biliary surgery has become the eternal collection. Academician Huang Zhiqiang summed up his career in medicine...