新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘涛七夕不休息为新剧宣传 老公送大礼秀甜蜜

刘涛七夕不休息为新剧宣传 老公送大礼秀甜蜜

Liu Tao on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month without a break for propaganda drama husband send gift show sweet

2015-08-21 17:09:55来源: 人民网甘肃视窗

雷图/摄 作为浙江卫视纪念反法西斯抗战胜利周年的献礼之作,抗日谍战情感大戏《铁在烧》将于8月25日登陆浙江卫视。昨天(8月20日)七夕当天,该剧在京举行开播发布会,导演刘新携王雷、刘涛、齐奎、叶...

ray / photo Zhejiang satellite TV as a memorial tribute to the anti fascist war victory anniversary, anti Japanese War spy drama emotion the iron in the burn "will on August 25 landing Zhejiang satellite TV. Yesterday (August 20) Tanabata day. The play in Beijing held a launch conference, director Liu Xinxie Wang Lei, Liu Tao, Jikui, leaf...