新关注 > 信息聚合 > 台球真人秀美女大比拼 潘晓婷车侑蓝金佳映争艳

台球真人秀美女大比拼 潘晓婷车侑蓝金佳映争艳

Billiards beauty competition reality show Pan Xiaoting Kim Ga Young in

2015-01-10 13:12:32来源: 体坛网

台球节目美女大比拼。 (点击图片到下一页) 国内首档台球真人秀《星球大战》近日于北京开始最后两期的拍摄。韩国美女选手车侑蓝和金佳映,率领前HOT组合成员李在元以及至上励合组成员金恩圣前来踢馆。

Yoo blue sports network billiard beauty competition program. (click on the picture to the next page) the first domestic billiards reality show "Star Wars" in Beijing recently started the final two shooting. The beauty of Korea's Che Youlan and Kim Ga Young, led by former HOT members Li Zaiyuan and Tanas "group members come tiguan.