新关注 > 信息聚合 > 金科春节再捐550万 助孤寡老人与特困家庭温暖过年

金科春节再捐550万 助孤寡老人与特困家庭温暖过年

Jinke Spring Festival again donated 5500000 to help the elderly and the poor families have the Spring Festival

2015-02-14 13:54:08来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 2月14日,情人节,金科股份启动“金科情·暖万家”——2015年新春慈善关爱活动,金科股份向重庆市慈善总会捐赠550万元慈善款,为孤寡老人和特困家庭送去新年温暖。 华龙网讯(记者 李远...

[Abstract] in February 14th, Valentine's day, Jinke shares start "Jinke feelings warm million --" 2015 new year charity care activities, Jinke company donated 5500000 yuan for charity to the Chongqing Charity Federation, sent a warm new year for the elderly and poor family. Hualong hearing (reporter Li far...