新关注 > 信息聚合 > 围观日本版“小米” 2个月神速发布21款产品

围观日本版“小米” 2个月神速发布21款产品

Watching the Japanese version of "millet" 2 months rapidly released 21 products

2015-08-16 23:38:09来源: 华商网

A01的配置可能并不抢眼,但跟iPhone或者三星旗舰相比,这台手机只售14500日元(接近700人民币)。 UPQ的创始人Nakazawa向媒体表示:“智能手机可能是目前消费电子里相对复杂的产品,如果能把手机做好,那么可以做很多其他的产品。” 她指的是UPQ在手机之外,还推出了...

A01 configuration may not eye-catching, but compared with the iPhone or the Samsung flagship, this phone is 14500 yen (close to 700 yuan). UPQ, founder of Nakazawa to the media, said: "the smart phone may be the relatively sophisticated consumer electronics products, if you can do a good job, then you can do a lot of other products." She refers to the UPQ in addition to the mobile phone, but also launched...