新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015全国青少年登山户外夏令营12城市陆续开营


2015 National Youth mountaineering outdoor summer camp 12 cities continue to camp

2015-08-04 16:04:57来源: 中国新闻网

中新网8月4日电 暑假期间,由中国登山协会主办的2015全国青少年登山户外夏令营在全国12个城市陆续开营。今年的活动主题为“学习登山精神,掌握户外技能”,旨在让青少年在体验登山户外活动的过程中培养兴趣爱好、提高独立生活能力、增强自我保护和紧急救护技能、掌握野外生存技能,培养团队协作精神。...

August 4, summer vacation period, by the Chinese Mountaineering Association to host the 2015 National Youth mountaineering outdoor summer camp in 12 cities across the country one after another camp. The theme of this year's event is to learn the spirit of the mountain, to master the outdoor skills, designed to make young people in the process of climbing outdoor activities to cultivate interest, improve the ability to live independently, enhance self-protection and emergency rescue skills, to master the field survival skills, training team spirit of collaboration. ...