新关注 > 信息聚合 > CGDA英雄帖:报名就有福利


CGDA heroic note: enrollment have welfare

2015-09-25 10:49:36来源: 新浪

2015年第七届中国优秀游戏制作人大奖(简称CGDA)已经全面启动,为了鼓励中国原创游戏的开发制作,表彰最具实力的中国籍开发团队和个 人,CGDA主办方汉威信恒展览有限公司向业内外各位游戏制作人发出邀请:2016年1月14日齐聚厦门,共同见证年度最强游戏制作团队和个人的诞生。 本次大...

2015 in the seventh China excellent game producer Awards (referred to as CGDA) has been in full swing, in order to encourage the development of China's original game production, in recognition of the most powerful Chinese nationality development team and individual, CGDA organizers Hanwei Xinheng Exhibition Co., Ltd. to both inside and outside the industry you game producer issued invitation: 2016 January 14, gathered in Xiamen together to witness strongest year game production team and individual was born. This big...