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国安回京高层接机 埃尔顿处罚待定已无缘战水原

Beijing Guoan high-level machine Elton penalty pending has missed the battle of Suwon

2015-02-28 07:06:21来源: 华体网

(记者 张巍)昨天凌晨,国安全队在经过20多个小时的飞行之后,终于回到了北京。国安高层前往机场接机,数百名球迷也是来到机场迎接球队。不过在比赛中吃到红牌的埃尔顿的追加处罚还没有最后的定论。 “这场比赛最终的结果体现了队员们的拼搏精神,不过开场不久就被罚下一人,在比赛大部分的时间内球队处...

(reporter Zhang Wei) yesterday morning, country security team after more than 20 hours of flight, finally returned to Beijing. The country peaceful high-level to the airport, hundreds of fans greeted the team came to the airport is also. But in the race to eat an additional punishment red Elton is not the last word. "This game the final result reflects the players fighting spirit, but opening soon had a man sent off, the team in the game most of the time...