新关注 > 信息聚合 > 曝拜仁与阿迪提前续约至2030 15年合同价值9亿欧

曝拜仁与阿迪提前续约至2030 15年合同价值9亿欧

Exposure to Bayern Munich and Adi ahead of the contract until 2030 15 years contract value of 9 billion euro

2015-04-29 04:40:59来源: 新浪

《体育图片报》截图 新浪体育讯 拜仁已经提前锁定了本赛季的联赛冠军,而据德国媒体消息,俱乐部又有好消息传来,拜仁将与阿迪达斯续约15年,而每年的赞助金额将达到6000万欧元。 此前拜仁与阿迪...

the Sport Bild "screenshot of sina sports dispatch Bayern has been locked in advance of the league this season, and according to the German news media, the club and the good news came, Bayern will and adida, renewal of 15 years, and annual sponsorship amount will reach 60 million euros. After Bayern ADI...