新关注 > 信息聚合 > 费德勒登上《新闻周刊》封面 当今最伟大运动员?

费德勒登上《新闻周刊》封面 当今最伟大运动员?

Federer on the cover of the "news weekly" the most great player? Deng

2015-06-20 13:45:01来源: 新浪

费德勒登上《新闻周刊》封面 费德勒本周登上了欧洲版《新闻周刊》的封面,杂志就瑞士人是否是当今体坛最伟大的运动员这一问题进行了讨论。 以下是来自于资深网球记者理查德·埃文斯为周刊撰写的专题节选...

Feidler the Roger Federer on the cover of Newsweek this week landed on the cover of Newsweek European version, the magazine was the Swiss is the greatest athletes in the modern sports this problem are discussed. The following is from the senior reporter Richard Evans wrote a weekly tennis special...