新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国乒乓球公开赛张继科出局 双打组合全部晋级

中国乒乓球公开赛张继科出局 双打组合全部晋级

China Tennis Open tournament zhangjike out doubles qualify all Sichuan Dujiangyan

2015-08-07 23:49:09来源: 搜狐

新华社四川都江堰8月7日体育专电(许瀚文)7日,2015年中国乒乓球公开赛进入正赛阶段。男、女子双打,4队中国组合全部晋级。男、女子单打,张继科和木子爆冷出局,其余选手晋级。 7日进行了男、女子...

Xinhua News Agency on August 7, sports special telegram (Xu Hanwen) 7, 2015 China Table Tennis Open is entering the stage. Men and women's doubles, the 4 Team China combination all the promotion. Men, women's singles, Zhang Jike and Muzi turned out, the remaining players qualify. 7 days to carry out the male and female...