新关注 > 信息聚合 > 聚焦革命老区 第三届全国网媒广西行将于25日启动

聚焦革命老区 第三届全国网媒广西行将于25日启动

Focusing old revolutionary base areas and the third session of the national network of media in Guangxi bank in 25 to start

2015-05-23 00:00:38来源: 广西新闻网

广西新闻网南宁5月22日讯(记者 黎超)由自治区党委宣传部和自治区互联网信息办公室主办,广西新闻网和广西网络文化协会承办的“红色故土 大美桂西——第三届全国重点网络媒体广西行”将于5月25日在南宁启...

Nanning, Guangxi news network may 22 news (reporter Li Chao) by the Autonomous Region Party Committee Propaganda Department and the autonomous region Internet Information Office hosted, Guangxi, Guangxi News Network and network in Guangxi Cultural Association hosted the "native land of red beauty in Western Guangxi -- the third national key network media" will be held on May 25 in Nanning Kai...