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鲁能新外援佩莱女友美艳 网络求爱成就姻缘(图)

Luneng new foreign aid pelle girlfriend beautiful network courtship achievement marriage (FIG.)

2016-07-12 11:48:42来源: 搜狐

齐鲁网济南7月12讯 (记者 徐凯华 实习记者 牟晓峰)今天下午,山东鲁能新外援意大利国脚前锋佩莱就会抵达济南,而他的美女女友瓦尔加也同机抵达。 关于鲁能新外援佩莱与女友的相识,还有一段故事,原...

Qilu network - jinan, July 12 (reporter Xu Kaihua intern reporter Xiao-feng mu) this afternoon, shandong luneng new foreign aid Italy international striker pelle will arrive in jinan, and his beautiful girlfriend and also arrived by the same. On new foreign aid pelle luneng met with his girlfriend, there is a story, the original...