新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恒大再举牌廊坊发展获得储备土地 储备融资渠道

恒大再举牌廊坊发展获得储备土地 储备融资渠道

Evergrande again raise brand langfang development obtained the reserve land reserve financing channels

2016-08-03 10:58:38来源: 环球网

耗资36亿拿下嘉凯城控股权后,恒大地产再掀波澜。7月27日至7月29日,短短三日内,恒大地产斥资2.67亿二次举牌廊坊发展,持股比例升至10%,目前仅落后第一大股东廊坊控股逾3个百分点。 消息曝光后,8月1日,廊坊发展股价逆市涨停。业内人士表示,恒大再次举牌或与土地储备、拓展低成本融资...

At a cost of 3.6 billion won KaiCheng after controlling Evergrande property. July 27 solstice on July 29, just three days of Evergrande property for 2.67 twenty million times for brand development of langfang, stake to 10%, is currently only langfang behind the first big shareholders holding more than 3%. Message after exposure, on August 1st, harden price inverse city langfang development. The personage inside course of study says, Evergrande sign or again and the land reserve and expanding low-cost financing...