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孙俪出发伦敦时装周 风衣造型率性利落

Sun Li of shoes London Fashion Week windbreaker styling straightforward agile

2015-09-19 17:20:20来源: 中国娱乐网

白色运动鞋显活力 今日,孙俪出发前往伦敦时装周,经典驼色羊绒风衣搭配复古水洗牛仔裤,条纹双肩包和白色运动鞋更添一份青春活力。据悉,孙俪将观看21号在伦敦举行的Burberry2016春夏时装秀。

white sports activities today, Sun Li of London Fashion Week, classic camel cashmere coat collocation Vintage wash jeans, fringe shoulder bag and white sports shoes add a youthful vitality. It is reported that Sun Li will look at the 21 Burberry2016 held in London in the spring and summer fashion show.