新关注 > 信息聚合 > 两个人的浪漫早餐 感受幸福的味道

两个人的浪漫早餐 感受幸福的味道

Two people romantic breakfast feel happiness taste

2015-11-24 20:30:11来源: 大河网

快节奏的生活,和爱人共同吃一顿早餐的愿望都有一点奢侈!但在遥远的英国伦敦,有一对情侣却把两个人的早餐做的浪漫至极,他们用这样的方式告诉相爱的恋人们:“它们不只是食物,还是一种相伴的承诺!” 下面...

rhythm of life, and lover together to eat a breakfast of desire to have a touch of luxury! But in London, far from England, there are a couple of lovers who have two people's breakfast. They tell each other in such a way that they are not just food, but also a commitment!" Below