新关注 > 信息聚合 > SENSORO的物联梦:147趟飞行才拿到一个订单


SENSORO physical DREAM: 147 times flight only to get an order

2016-06-20 05:10:01来源: 大河网

SENSORO全球化战略负责人张薇 “SENSORO已经在全球部署30万枚传感器,目前拥有全球最大的蓝牙传感器网络。”在望京SOHO SENSORO(北京升哲科技有限公司)的办公室里面,SENS...

SENSORO Zhang Wei, head of global strategy "SENSORO has deployed 300,000 sensors in the world, now has the world's largest Bluetooth sensor networks." In the (L-chul Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing) Wangjing SOHO SENSORO office inside, SENS ...