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你信吗?799元的魅蓝Note 3比PRO 5更漂亮

Do you believe it? 799 Charm Blue Note 3 more beautiful than PRO 5

2016-04-10 11:51:14来源: 中关村在线

魅族正式发布新款千元机魅蓝Note 3,千元机市场迎来了又一个重磅级杀手产品。 值得一提的是,魅蓝Note 3也是除了魅蓝metal之外,魅蓝系列首款采用金属机身的手机(上下两端为塑料),这就与魅族旗舰Pro 5有了一定相似之处。 到底有多像呢?这么说吧,除了整体尺寸比Pro 5稍小...

Meizu officially released the new thousand Yuan machine Charm Blue Note 3, thousand Yuan machine market ushered in another blockbuster killer product. It is worth mentioning that the charm Blue Note 3 is in addition to the charm blue metal, the Blue Charm series of the first metal body of the phone (upper and lower ends of plastic), which Meizu flagship Pro 5 has certain similarities . Like how in the end it? Well, in addition to the overall size slightly smaller than the Pro 5 ...