新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中甲-多利威廉齐发威 北理主场2-0负中优保级堪忧

中甲-多利威廉齐发威 北理主场2-0负中优保级堪忧

In a - William dolly angry north and home 2-0 defeats and relegation worrying

2015-08-22 19:23:35来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 2015年8月22日,58同城中国足球协会甲级联赛第23轮,北理工鑫苑主场迎战呼和浩特中优。混迹中甲多年的理工学生军今年陷入保级危机,目前暂居积分榜倒数第二,本场主场作战不容有失。90分...

of sina sports dispatch on 22 August 2015, 58 city China Football Association League 23rd round, the North Xinyuan home against the Hohhot excellent. In worldly a years of polytechnic students troops this fall into the relegation crisis, present tabernacle scoreboard from the bottom second, the battle field at home can not be lost. 90 points...