新关注 > 信息聚合 > 年度食品安全发布:生鲜肉和儿童食品最受关注


Annual food safety Post: raw meat and the most talked about children's food

2016-06-16 19:53:53来源: 青岛网络电视台

市民最关心哪些食品的安全?今天,市食品药品监督管理局发布了2016年度食品安全“问计于民”调查结果。这次调查由17万余人次参与,是岛城目前规模最大的食品安全民意调查。 通过调查,市民选出了最关注...

Which foods are most concerned about public safety? Today, the city Food and Drug Administration released the 2016 annual food security "Asking for the people," the survey results. The survey was conducted by more than 170,000 people participated, Castle is now the largest food safety poll. Through the investigation, the public elected the most attention ...