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超给力笔记本 武汉微软最新报价5390元

Super awesome laptop Wuhan Microsoft latest offer 5390 yuan

2015-07-22 22:20:12来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线平板行情)微软Surface Pro 3是一款具有划时代意义的产品,它首次采用了拥有2K级别分辨率的12英寸超大屏幕,超清晰画质为您完美呈现,让一切看起来都是那么真实、灵动。目前。微软S...

(Zhongguancun online tablet Market) Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is a landmark product, it is used for the first time with 2K level resolution 12 inch large screen ultra clear picture quality, perfect for you, so that everything seems so real smart. At present. Microsoft S...

标签: 微软