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旭辉府实景洋房 辉耀城北

Xu Hui Prefecture north of real houses aflame

2016-01-20 13:53:19来源: 杭州网

据统计,目前杭州在售的楼盘中拥有洋房物业的约40余个,洋房是商品房市场成熟后,最稀缺的物业类型。然而,在杭州大城北、千年古运河畔,还有一处花园洋房,实景呈现,并正现房销售中。 板块三冠王余杭区八...

According to statistics, Hangzhou has a house in the sale of real estate property in about 40 months, after the real estate market is mature bungalows, most scarce property types. However, in the north of the city of Hangzhou, the Millennium ancient river transport, as well as a garden house, real show, and positive existing home sales. Yuhang District of eight Triple Crown plate ...