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关注男男性接触者健康 你可以做的更多

Concerned about the MSM health you can do more

2015-09-30 09:49:07来源: 丁香园

设想一位 43 岁的男同性恋者来到你的诊所咨询卫生保健问题,他有一长期的未感染 HIV 的性伴侣(性交时未使用安全套)。过去 6 个月内偶尔与另外两名男性发生性行为,并且未一直使用安全套。患者自述无...

conceive of a 43 year old gay man came to consult a health care clinic you, he has a long-term HIV uninfected partner (without the use of condoms during sexual intercourse). In the past 6 months, and occasionally with the other two male sexual behavior, and not always use condoms. Patients with no...