新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新华书店禁止看书 店员:书店不是看书的地方!

新华书店禁止看书 店员:书店不是看书的地方!

Xinhua bookstore prohibit reading clerk: bookstore is not reading a book!

2016-02-01 14:05:24来源: 东北新闻网

新华书店禁止看书店员:书店不是看书的地方 新华书店作为人们购书首选实体店本来应该是读书的乐园,人们在其中挑书看书和谐舒适,然而却有新华书店禁止看书还将孩子赶走实在是让人心寒。“

Xinhua bookstore prohibit reading clerk: bookstore is not reading a book Xinhua bookstore as people buy books first entity shop was supposed to be the paradise of reading, in which people choose books to read a harmonious and comfortable, yet have xinhua bookstore prohibited reading will also be children away is chilling. "