新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甘肃华侨留学资深顾问张可卿:成功经验源自点滴..


Gansu overseas Chinese study senior adviser Zhang Keqing: the successful experience from the intravenous drip..

2014-09-09 10:10:08来源: 每日甘肃网

张可卿 老师风采 张可卿老师擅长帮助普通条件的学生申请到英国顶尖名校,以及高端院校牛津、剑桥、LSE、帝国的申请。在华侨教育工作近20年来,办理的案例无数,甚至大量签证疑难案件的申请。精通硕...

Zhang Keqing teacher Zhang Keqing teacher is good at helping the general conditions of the students to apply to the UK's top universities and colleges in Oxford, for the high-end, Cambridge, LSE, empire. In the overseas Chinese education in the past 20 years, handled numerous cases, even a large number of difficult cases to apply for a visa. Proficient in shuo...