新关注 > 信息聚合 > 产前运动操可减少分娩疼痛


Prenatal movement exercises can reduce pain in childbirth

2016-05-02 06:52:19来源: 新浪

进行产前运动操不仅可以使你减少分娩的疼痛,也会使你增加力量,身体得到伸展,充满活力并放松全身,而且给你带来健康的感觉。 怀孕和分娩使女性的身体方面发生了剧变 产前运动操的主要目的在于锻炼孕妇...

Prenatal movement exercises not only allows you to reduce the pain of childbirth, but also make you increase strength, stretch the body, vitality and relax the body, and bring you healthy feeling. Pregnancy and childbirth make women physically changed dramatically prenatal exercise parade main purpose of exercise for pregnant women ...